Located in Mamaroneck, NY. Individualized lactation support in a supportive, professional environment. You'll receive a written feeding plan following the visit.
For topics like back-to-work/pump planning or prenatal questions. Chat live with a Lactation Consultant during an online virtual session.
Plan ahead and save by purchasing a bundle of services for your bundle of joy! Both in-person and virtual options are available.
About Me
The short version:
* International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
* Mom of twin boys
* Masters Degree in Business Administration
* Member of your village
The whole story:
I was drawn to lactation work after the birth of my twin boys in 2015. Following a high-risk pregnancy riddled with insecurity and a three-week long NICU stay, my ability to successfully breastfeed was essential. Not only was it the best way I knew how to provide my babies with the utmost nutrition, comfort, and security, breastfeeding provided me with the much needed opportunity to learn to trust my body again.
I’ll never forget the day that it all just seemed to click. My babies were nursing for the first time. I was amazed by the persistence of these two sweet, tiny boys. I was amazed by my body, providing them with perfectly-tailored nourishment. I was amazed at how, together, we learned how to navigate this new-to-us world. And while there certainly were moments of doubt, insecurity, and utter exhaustion, moments like those – the healing moments of intimacy, wonder, and unconditional love – made it all worth it.
However, the seven weeks of (literal!) blood, sweat, and tears that it took for us to get to that point nearly derailed us. Had it not been for an AMAZING support system: from my husband, to my mother (a midwife), to my grandmother, family, and friends, we never could have gotten there. Not to mention the army of my mother's many midwife and lactation consultant friends. It truly does take a village!
I am keenly aware that not everyone has the resources and support system that I am so lucky to have, which is why I am so passionate about accessible lactation support. I would be honored to accompany you on your breastfeeding journey, and to be a member of your village.